Individual Patrons
Why become a BBSC Individual Patron?
It’s simple: you may well be helping your own industry colleagues and friends! Our near 100 year history shows that today’s colleague may be tomorrow’s BBSC beneficiary, so you will be actively helping care for our industry’s most precious resource – its people.
For only £600 per year, you will be helping those in our industry who need it most, as well as having:
- The opportunity to purchase up to two discounted tickets for our annual Charity Dinner.
- Your name featured as a BBSC Individual Patron on the BBSC web site, Facebook page, as well as in all BBSC Press Releases.
- A quarterly newsletter from the BBSC, keeping you up to date on all that is happening and what we are doing with the money that you donate.
To find out more about becoming a BBSC Individual Patron, please contact Kelly Hilleard, Chair of the BOSS Business Supplies Charity, on 07717 201821 or email
Terms and Conditions
- The cost to participate in the BBSC Individual Patron scheme is £600 per year, payable anually, quarterly or monthly as preferred. Payment by standing order is preferred, but if an invoice is required, please contact the BOSS Charity.
- Participation runs for a 12 month period from the date of receipt of the first payment.
- Patrons who wish to pay by instalments should complete payment of the full amount within 12 months.
- At the end of the 12 month period, the BBSC Individual Patron will be contacted by the BOSS Charity and invited to renew their patronage.
- The BOSS Charity will publish the name of each BBSC Individual Patron on its website and marketing materials for the duration of its participation period unless otherwise notified by the BBSC Individual Patron.
- Participation in the BBSC Individual Patron scheme does not confer any further rights nor responsibilities on the Patron regarding the BOSS Charity.

Gareth Farrell
“We have a unique industry, and it is made up of all of the contributions of talented people within it. I would like to think I have been fortunate and successful in my career and in my experience of working in our industry over many years. I think it is important to ‘give back’ and support those colleagues who need help, especially in times of volatility, financial challenge and ill health… it was an easy decision to become an Individual Patron and support the BOSS Business Supplies Charity in all its endeavours to support those in our industry that need a little help along the way.”

Steve Haworth
“I was continuously humbled by the effort and commitment of the least privileged in our industry during the COVID pandemic. Simply put, they ensured the Industry’s survival. It is, therefore, an easy decision for me to support the BOSS Business Supplies Charity as an Individual Patron. Recognising the contribution made by everybody in the industry and my privileged position as a result, means that supporting those in real need is just the right thing to do.”

Steve Hilleard
“Having closely witnessed the dedicated efforts of the volunteer officials and Trustees of the BOSS Business Supplies Charity (BBSC), I felt compelled to offer my personal support. The recent collapse of Nectere and its profound effect on the livelihoods of numerous industry colleagues underscores the vital lifeline that charitable support can provide. As a leader in a business committed to giving back to our community, endorsing the BBSC is an obvious choice.”

Phil Jones MBE
“I’ve been fortunate enough to do well in my career and I’m a great believer in giving back. Becoming an Individual Patron of the BOSS Charity seemed an obvious thing to do, as they are able to directly impact outcomes for current and former members of the industry who may need a helping hand.”

Gordon Christiansen
“As someone who has been in the office products industry for a long time, I’ve always admired the amazing work that the BOSS Charity has done to support those folks who have fallen on hard times or are in need of a ‘leg up’. I hope my small contribution can make a difference.”
Contact Us
We are here to help. We hope we have given you everything you need in a way that can be easily understood, but if you need anything further, please don’t hesitate to contact us using the information below.
c/o BPIF, Hub 26, Hunsworth Lane, Cleckheaton, West Yorkshire, BD19 4LN
PHONE: 01924 203338